An Automated System for Your Entire Property
The Sprinkler Magician Automated Property Treatment Systems allows you to inject concentrates for all sorts of issues on large properties automatically using the existing irrigation system. No other system allows such control and versatility. Unlike fertigation systems, the Sprinkler Magician is programed to deliver exact amounts of concentrates to specific zones.
100% Non-Toxic Biting Pest Control
The Sprinkler Magician system can apply many concentrates but most customers first goal is to eliminate mosquitoes and other biting pests. The Mosquito Magician concentrate is used by thousands of families, resorts, and commercial properties every day. It is extremely potent and was specially developed to run through the Sprinkler Magician machine.
All Natural Ingredients
Lemon Grass
Mosquito Magician Is Effective On
Mosquito Magician Is Safe For
Trees and Shrubs
Frequently Asked Questions
A straight forward install takes around 2 hours. Worst case if you have to run tubing across the yard it could stretch to 3-5.
For pest control — average properties use 1 - 1 ½ gallon a month, larger properties use 2 gallons a month. Hotels and Resorts will use more and this depends on the acreage. For fertilizers and other products, it depends on each product's directions.
For pest control, most people run Sprinkler Magician twice a week in the summer, but this can be reduced to once a week in other seasons. For other concentrates it depends on what you are applying. The machine can easily be programmed to run any desired schedule.
The installer has to comply with local and federal plumbing codes. This means that if they use the lake, well, or reclaimed water to irrigate, then usually the back-flow valve doesn’t need changing at all. However, if the property uses potable (drinking) water, then the back-flow often needs to be replaced with a higher grade “RPZ” type. This adds about $170 to the installation costs +/-.
The single reservoir Sprinkler Magician is for pesticides only. Add a second reservoir kit to treat for fertilizers, fragrances, deer repellents, or a variety of other options. Expansion Accessories can be added to the commercial models for Hotels, Resorts, and other large properties that have unique needs.
All products have a 1 year full bumper-to-bumper warranty.